
Laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found
Laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found

laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found

But, one of the form fields, I don't want to put it in the same array, because I need it to update the data in a pivot table ('actividadmaterial'). Public function _construct(Consignment $consignment) A four digit year could not be found Data missing In this form, I have some data that I want to update in my 'Actividad', so I have created an array with every field I need to update. Im trying to update some data and Im having the next message: A four digit year could not be found Data missing. Use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels php artisan make:event Consignment/Updated 'A four digit year could not be found' happens when a model tries to SELECT in Laravel Ask Question Asked 1 year, 8 months ago Modified 1 year, 8 months ago Viewed 55 times 0 I would like to fetch names form this table. In short first you need to create an Event for the needed model, so if its a Updated event create something like this. I want to create record of dspaccountid + screentype when the combination not exists, and to update if the combination exists.

laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found

Yes you can create a Event Listener for your model. Actually firstOrCreate would not update in case that the register already exists in the DB.

Laravel eloquent update four digit year could not be found